Honesty Is the Best Policy

Honesty Is the Best Policy

Giulia Laganà of the Open Society European Policy Institute | Avoiding appeasement | Borders and the far right | Slave labor conditions in Europe | Regularising migrants | Legal Pathways | Return sponsorships | Frontex | Detaining children | Helicopter heroics
Showdowns Over the Rule of Law

Showdowns Over the Rule of Law

Mehreen Khan of the Financial Times | End game in EU's battle with Hungary and Poland | Signs of illiberalism in France | Fidesz in a mess | Garvan Walshe of article7.eu | Whither the European People's Party | Unblocking the EU's nuclear option

Apostles of Intersectionality Challenge Europe – Transcript

Please note: EU Scream transcripts are generated by AI and should be checked against the original audio content.

Apostles of Intersectionality Challenge Europe Episode

23 October 2020


people, intersectionality, disabilities, race, europe, discrimination, france, germany, katrin, eu, racism, identity politics, called, french, intersectional, european, inequalities, roma, question, european commission

James Kanter 00:51

Intersectionality. It's a mouthful of a word. It's a way of saying that overlapping identities, for example disability, gender, race, sexual orientation, create forms of discrimination that too often go

Europe on a Power Trip – Transcript

Please note: EU Scream transcripts are generated by AI and should be checked against the original audio content.

Europe on a Power Trip Episode

9 November 2020


autonomy, strategic, europe, eu, european, china, unanimity, people, nathalie, french, security, mantra, world, eu foreign policy, countries, brussels, macron, includes, european council, democracies

James Kanter 00:52

Strategic autonomy. It's become the mantra for European union officials. It started as a broadly French idea: that Europe needs sufficient military power to promote peace and security independent

Europe on a Power Trip

Europe on a Power Trip

Nathalie Tocci on strategic autonomy | Joe Biden's victory | French nukes | China Decoupling | EU majority voting | Mehreen Khan of the FT | Truth to Power | Be the Squirrel | Vaccine race | New Hanseatics | Charles Michel finds a mission | Thierry Breton and tech sovereignty
Apostles of Intersectionality Challenge Europe

Apostles of Intersectionality Challenge Europe

Emilia Roig | Colour-evasiveness in France | Post-racialism in Germany | The European Commission and identity politics | Proxies and disaggregated data | Intersectionality and neutrality laws | Roma rights | Katrin Langensiepen | Black Lives Matter | Anti-Discrimination Directive | Sheltered workshops
Online Violence: Stories from Bulgaria and Spain

Online Violence: Stories from Bulgaria and Spain

Doxing on Twitter | Irantzu Varela of El Tornillo | Death threats by direct message on Facebook | Simeon Vasilev of the GLAS Foundation | Toxic Masculinity | Asha Allen of the European Women's Lobby | The EU Digital Services Act | Guillermo Beltrà of Osepi
Ylva Johansson on Migration and Its Drama Queens

Ylva Johansson on Migration and Its Drama Queens

Botkyrka | Punk and Ebba Grön | The EU Asylum and Migration Pact | Greece and Turkey | The Great Replacement and toxic conspiracies | Feminist jewellery | #LoveIsEssential | Sweden Democrats | Clearview AI | Police and minorities | Algorithmic bias
Race and the von der Leyen Commission

Race and the von der Leyen Commission

Mehreen Khan of the Financial Times | Diversity and Team von der Leyen | Face-painting with Didier Reynders | Protecting Europe with Margaritis Schinas | Counting colonies with Charles Michel | The Great Replacement | Racist policing | Ylva Johansson on whiteness
Data & Dystopia

Data & Dystopia

Racist policing | Gender bias | 'Black Mirror' style mass surveillance | Samira Rafaela | Joanna Bryson | Sarah Chander | Patrick Breyer | European data spaces | iBorderCtrl | Palantir Technologies and the NHS | Facial recognition | Pressure on Clearview AI